AROONA serves communities’ networks

Urban Community of Alençon, France

Urban Community Of Alençon, France 1150x500
The issue

To respond to the ever-increasing needs of high bandwidth, the Urban Community of Alençon (CUA) would like to renovate its LAN. The renewal of its network core required an upgrade of the cable infrastructure in order to support the transmitted bit rates.

The AROONA solution

When taking into account the location of the network infrastructure in the city center and the complex and expensive civil engineering that it would require, CUA chose the passive solution AROONA by Cailabs to drastically increase the bandwidth of the existing fibers while also avoiding the complexity of new fiber deployment.

The benefits of the solution
  • 76% savings compared to an infrastructure upgrade with new cable deployment
  • 3 hours of installation per link
  • 4 x 10 Gb/s of bandwidth instead of being limited at 100 Mb/s