
Cailabs awarded Grand Prix V.I.E 2024 for International Business Internship Program

Section : Corporate
Publication date: 4 July 2024
Grand Prix VIE 2024

Cailabs received this year’s Grand Prix V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprise) for the exceptional work of Ashley Fabioux, Business Development Manager based in Washington. Ashley Fabioux is dedicated to developing the optical ground station solution for the American aerospace and defense industry, a project perfectly illustrating the impact and effectiveness of the V.I.E program in Cailabs’ international growth.

The Grand Prix V.I.E is awarded annually to a Breton SME that has exemplary used the V.I.E for its international development. This award is coordinated by the Brittany Committee of Foreign Trade Advisors and Business France. Its purpose is to highlight regional companies that have effectively employed this program and to inspire other businesses to follow their example.

The award ceremony takes place during the OPEN de l’international, an event organized by Bretagne Commerce International (BCI) since 2013. This annual event brings together around 1,000 participants and provides a unique opportunity for networking and exchange for the region’s economic players.